Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mel & Lil Peanut, Third Trimester

Mel is now due in 2 months! We've already begun planning her baby shower, and now I present you with updated pictures! I had a lot of fun with this one. Look how much that belly has grown in the past couple months. Can't wait to meet you, lil peanut!! (Also, can't wait to find out for a fact whether or not you are actually a girl, as most of us suspect!)

Please take a moment to view all the pictures from today's shoot on my Flickr page, here.

Stay tuned... I anticipate a Lil Peanut photo shoot in October. :)


About Me

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Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Hi! I'm Crystal Chick. This blog started out as a "one new thing a day" project. The time on the project has ended, and now I write about new things as they happen. I also share recipes and talk about photography. For mini-updates, follow me on Twitter -


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