Theme of the Week: Hands
Last week I told you I was going to take an entire week and photograph one thing. The theme: hands. Lots of hands. Focusing on one specific thing is quite a challenge. But, I ended up with 94 pictures (before weeding through them all). I'll tell you my faves at the bottom. You tell me your faves in the comment section!
(Please click the images to view larger versions)

My favorites showed up in the pictures I took at the last minute. In reviewing my pics last night, I felt like they were all the same old thing. I think I'm afraid of my flash. :) But, when I decided to get silly, get bold, try flashing the heck outta some stuff, I found my favorites. See the ones with the metallic backgrounds? That's my car's sunshield. The hand? That's my son's hand inside his school book covers. So. much. fun. I'm also fond of the one with three hands (4th up from the bottom, right column). That's my mom, my nephew and my niece. I like a few others, but I'm done yammering on about it for now. Have a fabulous Memorial Day weekend, everyone!!! (Unless you're outside the USA, then just have a fabulous regular weekend).
Next week's theme: Utensils
I like the bookcover ones. Especially the first one...looks lke a webbed foot or something. Very nice.
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